Lie Detection

. segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2007
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In business's, has in life, people often get lied to, even if it is only on a need to know basis, it happens, but do you know that you can EASILY tell if someone is lying to you, even if youre not even listening to what they say, no one can escape this, body language never lies, and you can learn how to detect liers in less then 60 seconds, it0s Idiot proff, anyone can learn this cool tricks, and its always usefull, you can catch any lier with this techniks, Want to learn the secret, Click Here!

2 comentários:

Shirley disse...

WOW! Now that's a first! That's some good information. But can we spot the liars who use the Internet to communicate? Will it show in their writing somehow? This would be great info for attorneys and judges.

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ExcedenteDeForça disse...

body language... hard to read other peoples body language trough the internet... =P