Once you sign up with CashCrate, you'll see a list of hundreds of offers and surveys to complete. On the top of the list, there's a sort box, and three tabs. You can choose to do offers to get money (Cash Offers), points (Point Offers) or complete the Daily Survey. If you want to get points, to then exchange them with items in their Prize Shop, click the Point Offers tab, and complete the offers that list below. If you want to make money, I suggest you first complete the Daily Survey every day, which will get you an extra $24 each month (30 x $0.80). Now let's start with the Cash Offers, which will get you most of your money.
Select the CashOffers tab, select the Show to "100% Free", Sort by to "Rating" and press Go!
CashCrate offers and surveysNow you have a list of free offers ready to be completed. You have a link to the offer, an offer's description, it's value, and a Submit button. Start by clicking on the offer's link, and doing what the offer's description says. Once you've done what it's needed to complete the offer, click the submit button, so the system moves the offer to your pending list. A pending list is a list with offers that wait to be verified by CashCrate staff. Once they verify that you completed the survey/offer, they'll credit you with the money. You'll see how much money is in pending surveys/offers at the top of the page, under "Pending earnings". Some offers take longer to verify than others, it may take from an hour to a week or more, so just complete as much offers as you can, and they'll be eventually verified. By sorting the offers by "Rating", it should list the best offers at the top (meaning the offer is either verified very fast, or pays very good).
CashCrate referral systemEven if you can make enough money just by completing offers and surveys, CashCrate has a very good referral system available. Because the earnings from CashCrate are so high, getting even one active referral, will bring you some money. If you get enough referrals, CashCrate will higher the percentage of the earnings you get from them. Below is a table with the information about referral levels and their percentages.
Bronze - 0 Active Referrals - 20% First Level, 10% Second Level
Silver - 50 Active Referrals - 25% First Level, 10% Second Level
Gold - 150 Active Referrals - 25% First Level, 15% Second Level
Platinum - 300 Active Referrals - 30% First Level, 15% Second Level
Elite - 500 Active Referrals - 30% First Level, 20% Second Level
You can see your current referral statistics by clicking on the "Referral Info" link on the top, once you are logged in their system.
CashCrate's referral system also offers a messaging system, which can be used to message your downline referrals or the user who referred you. If you sign up by clicking a link from this website, it means I'll be the one who referred you, so you'll be able to message me by using their system, and ask me anthing you want, I'll be happy to help you out.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Is CashCrate international?Yes, CashCrate is international. But, only people from US and Canada get lots of surveys and offers to complete. If you want to join from other countries, you'll have to work on referring people from US and Canada, to get money. As I said, because the earnings from CashCrate are so high, it's not so hard to get good revenue from referrals.
Revenue possibilities and limits?Your revenue possibilities and limits are endless. The more time you put in it, more money you'll make. For reaching a high payout every month, I suggest you complete the Daily Survey every day, complete as much offers per day as you can, and refer as much people as you can to join the program under you.
Minimum payout?CashCrate's minimum payout is as low as $10. You can reach the minimum payout within a day, if your offers and surveys get approved fast enough. Even if all you do is complete the Daily Survey every day, you'll get a check for $24 every month.
How many surveys/offers can I complete?This depends on how much time you have on your hands. There are hundreds of surveys and offers to be completed, and new ones are added all the time.
What methods of payment does CashCrate support?CashCrate supports only payment by Check, to prevent double accounts and other problems that arise by enabling paypal and other payment methods.
How do I sign up for CashCrate?You can sign up by clicking this link:
CASHCRATEHow does CashCrate look once you're logged in?