Google Analytics

. quarta-feira, julho 04, 2007
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Google Analytics is a web statistic tool. Unfortunatly, it wasnt so easy to understand, but Google decided to create a fantastic (what ?)...guess ? --->

new version of Google Analytics!

The new Google Analytics will have a better interface and allow greater customization and collaboration.

Google Analytics new version

Some of the new improvements that come along:

Email reports — Personalized reports sent by email and export as .pdf
Custom Dashboards — Create your own customed dashboard with the information you need. It can be emailed to others too.
Trend and Date Slider — Compare time periods and select date ranges without losing sight of long term trends.
Contextual help tips
— make reports easier to read and understand.

Here youll find a video tour and feature tour of the new version of Google Analytics, expect it to be active over the next couple of weeks.

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