Learn More about MyBlogLog

. domingo, julho 08, 2007
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Hi, there, if you blog, you probably know what's MyBlogLog, you can probably see it to the right of this post (a rectangle announcing recent readers with some happy faces), it's basicly a community for people that own a Blog join and create communitys as well as making some new contacts and finding related blogs, apperantly they are hiring new people and they made a cool you-tube video, where you can see their original team and founders "face-to-face", learn more about what makes them vibe, maybe it can inspire you ? I hope so ;)

2 comentários:

malawika disse...

Hi Joao!

Nice post! I like your sense of humor - "some happy faces"... A lot of people write about BlogLog, your post is different... GOOOD :D

Kind regards, malawika.

ExcedenteDeForça disse...

Thank you very much, has always, youre to kind ;)