
. terça-feira, julho 03, 2007
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The new Apple gadget has sold out the day it was put to sell, even at the internet, a few hours it was realeased you could already see it being sold at ebay for 3,500$.....and to think it was put to sell in stores for just 600.

Also, Steve Jobs wants to run for Santa for sure, he's gonna spend 10,06 million dollars on....... giving a Top iPhone of 8gb to each one of Apple's employees.

Something for us all to learn, next time something hot is coming out buy 2 or 3 .. let it sold out, make 200- to -300% profit on ebay selling it, you just need to know what people really want.

Hail to the king...Apple's there on the top!

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

People go crazy for this stuff. It's out of stock, people over pay, and then one week later, like magic, there are a ton more.

ExcedenteDeForça disse...

very true, one can make money like this, although its not very etical, it has always been like this with every new over-publicitaded tech gadget, thank you for your comment deb =)

Maria Fischinger disse...

Good information!!!

Anônimo disse...

I can't wait till the iPhone hits the United Kingdom ... not too long to wait now. In preperation I've put together a site that should help me find bargain when it arrives:
