Tip of the Day: Make more then 50$ in an hour, 100% Guaranteed

. quinta-feira, julho 05, 2007
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Ok, Treasure Trooper is a mix of survey with paid offers site, Im gonna explain step by step how we are gonna make this happen:

1- First, make a new email adress, chances are youll get this mail adress full of spam, I recommend bluebottle, go to bluebottle and signup for a free account (remember that most of the offers we are gonna signup next will end up in the pending/spam/trash folder.

2- Signup at tresure trooper - click here

3- Login, and in you members area, go to "cash offers"

4- In the category search, select "100% free" offers, this means theyre totally free, no credit cards, no extra information, no nothing ! you do it, you get paid !

5- There are more then 250 offers in the 100% free category, each one ranking from 0.50 dollars to 5 dollars, now...you do the math....(this actually makes you much more then 50$)

ps: if youre not from Canada, Uk or Usa, youll probably have to go trough all the cashoffers and youll only find aroun 30 or 40 available to your country, still, those are enough the 50$.

6- Complete the offers, go back to cashoffers selection and press "Done"

7- This will put your completed offer on pending veryfication (this can take a couple of days)
you can confirm that the offer you just did is in pending verification, if you go to your "tresure" in the user cpanel, and click on pending offers.

pending offers may take from 1 hour to 3-5 days to validate, if it takes longer then 5 days,
do the offer again, this happened to me in 3 different offers, after redoing them I got the
payment, although this is very rare to happen.

ps: clean your browser cookies between offers you complete, this makes for faster verification.

8- When do you get paid ? You arent from America ? lets read their FAQ...

minimum payout is low, just 20$, seams Like I just told you one of the best ways to make money online!! hehe, who's your buddy ;)

any aditional question, they have a forum (you can find the link pretty easily in theyre home page) wich has thousands of users, and all of them were always paid, they even show pictures of their checks....or you can ask me here at my blog, so what you waiting for ?

liked the article ? link back to my blog, thanks =)

ps: after you complete the offers you must go to the place where you choosed the offer from and click the "done" button, so they can validate the offer, also, use your treasure trooper email and username , for the cash offers you signup.

ps2: go trought the 250+ offers and see wich ones are available, many are only for america, and ok, Im portuguese and i found 32, those were enough to reach the 20$ min payout.

ps3: VERY IMPORTANT -> if you are from america or canada or uk, you have a daily survey of 75 cents that you should do everyday, this survey alone is enough to make you reach payout everymonth!

2 comentários:

cash4referral disse...

I'm also a member of Treasure Trooper, this is a very good tutorial on earning money using the free offers that they have. Thanks for sharing this.

ExcedenteDeForça disse...

thanks, hope other people like it has well, give my blog adress to other people you know, maybe you can post a link to my blog on your site, using one of my buttons, in my button making tutorial, and ill do the same for you ;)